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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Walking and Running Clubs

Last night on the news, they did a piece on safety when running.  Now I'm all about exercise so I was glad to see the story BUT....they left out a major safety factor.  Since the weather has been warmer here lately there are many people out running at all hours.  Several times I have come across runners after dark wearing all dark clothing!  I have been startled when my headlights finally illuminated the runner.  If you are going to run after dark in the street, you had better wear light colored, reflective clothing.  That is such a no brainer but it seems to be easily forgotten.  The same goes for anyone on the street after dark, whether walking, biking, running or hanging out with friends, so remind your teens. 

If you are interested in running, there are running/walking clubs everywhere that often sponsor races, help with training or beginning running and group support.  The "Women Can Run" clinic offered here in Jonesboro has already started this year but you can check out the website at for more information.  Go to for more information on another local club for walkers, runners and bikers. 

Now that the weather is warming, I hope you'll dust off those athletic shoes and get outside.  Drag your kids out with you and go for a walk in a local park or just around the neighborhood.  Get the dog and give Rover some much needed attention and exercise too.  Air up your tires and take the bicycle for a spin as you soak up some free vitamin D from the sun.

Now for my pet peeve of the week.  Does it seem counter-productive for women's magazines to feature articles such as 'Lose Belly Fat For Good' or 'Walk Your Way Thin' when the cover photo is a lucious chocolate cake with swirls of icing or a plate of donuts?  It somehow implies that we can have our cake and eat it too, all the while remaining forever thin if we just do their latest exercise routine which takes just 20 minutes, three times a week.  Why is the cover photo never of farm fresh produce or the articles "Twenty Great New Vegetable Recipes Your Family Will Love'?  Just me griping again.

If you haven't checked out the books, go to, click nutrition, then click on the Eat This Not That section and check out some of the articles.  You'll be glad you did. 



  1. I live in a place where many people walk and ride their bikes to work and school. There are also off-road paths all over the city. But you rarely see people out without some neon yellow or reflective gear on, even on the paths! Several big companies here distribute safety vest and reflectors (with their company logo), free, to all schools. I think it is a great service to the city. Might be something for a savvy business to look into! Maybe the bike shops in the area? They even have reflective vests for dogs!

  2. What a nice community to live in! I'm going to check into those free vests - that's a good marketing idea.
    Jonesboro is in the process of developing some bike paths but I wish there were more opportunities for people in this area to stay fit. We desparately need a new community pool but there don't seem to be funds available for that. Lisa
