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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When Watching TV Can Help You Loose Weight and Be Healthier

Did anyone catch the preview of  Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution this past Sunday?  Has anyone heard of Jamie Oliver?  I have alot in common with Jamie Oliver and you'll see why.  Jamie became a chef in England after growing up cooking in his Dad's pub.  He had a successful TV series called the Naked Chef but may be better known for trying to change the school food programs in the UK.  After leaving the Naked Chef he started a program to teach individuals how to cook simple, nutritious food every day.  That led him to challenge the government to improve the school lunches, even getting thousands of parents concerned enough to sign petitions.  The government has spent thousands but change has been slow.

Now Jamie Oliver has a new TV series here in the U.S. designed to educate Americans on the sorry state of the food we eat.  If you missed the preview Sunday, the series starts this Friday on ABC at 7 p.m. till 9 p.m.  On Sunday's episode, Jamie has traveled to Huntington, West Virginia which was named the unhealthiest city in the U.S. based on obesity, disease and death statistics.  The twelve year old boy who probably  weighed around 300 lbs., broke my heart.  He desperately wants to change as he is tired of being called names.  Then there was the child who didn't even know what whole ripe tomatoes were.  He thought they were potatoes!  But hey, I frequently encounter checkers at Krogers who have to ask me to identify vegetables so they can ring them up. 

If you are concerned, like me, that this generation of children may be the first to die at an earlier age than their parents, watch this show.  Encourage everyone you know to watch it.  It is time we faced the fact that we are killing ourselves and our children with the food we eat.  I find it appalling that most children don't eat any vegetables at all on any given day.  And no, french fries don't count.

We've also got to get off our butts and get moving!  Kids need to get outside and get fresh air and exercise every day, weather permitting.  I took my daughter and two of her friends on a 4+ mile bike ride this morning and survived.  The kids have the week off for spring break and today is lovely with temperatures in the 60's.  We rode through the rolling countryside, listening to birds sing and admiring daffodils blooming.  Grace was grateful I took the time to do this with her.  I am too.

This evening, shoot some hoops with your children or go for a walk.  Set an example for a lifetime of good health.

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